Avoid Doing These When You Visit A Strip Club

Often after spending long hours at your workplace in Texas, you may like to unwind by looking at a pair of nice tits on weekends. You can always visit a strip club in Texas along with your bachelor friends and entertain yourself.
However, while visiting such strip clubs, it is important that you must be properly dressed as per the dress code prescribed by the club and also avoid certain acts or behavior that may force the club authority to call for a bouncer.
Therefore, make sure that you avoid the following behavior and acts, while visiting any strip club in your area.
- Come with empty pockets
Never visit without any money in your pocket, as you may either have to tip the strippers or order for certain foods.
- Involve in fight
Avoid getting into any fight with people or management of the strip club, so that they may ask you to leave the place.
- Piss in public
Often after drinking plenty of liquor, you know many of us may lose our heads. However, you must be in your control and avoid pissing in public.
- Play around with your phone
Strippers will hate to see you busy with your cellphone while you are in strip club, as they want you to watch them.
- Overstay your welcome
True, you must be enjoying the company of beautiful naked girls all around you, but you must know when to quit instead of hanging around for too long.
- Bring your unwilling girlfriend
If your girlfriend is unwilling to come to club then she will feel very uncomfortable and hence don’t insist on accompanying you.
- Buying any bachelor package
Avoid buying those dumb things that strippers often beat up all the bachelors.
- Never bothering about rules
You must be aware about the rules of these stripper clubs and be respectful to them rather than having “don’t care” attitude.
- Giving excuses instead of saying “No”
If you do not like something then better say “no” instead of giving stale excuses that may hurt the strippers.
- Not asking prices first
If you are seeking certain services or drinks then know about their price so that you may not get a surprise later.
- Wearing sketchy clothes
Prefer to follow proper dress code rather than visiting club with funny dress like shorts, swimming suits etc.
- Not offering tips
Not offering tips is considered as bad manners.